Top Tips For Going Back to Work After Having A Baby

Guest blog by: Isabel Ryan from

When you are a new parent, nothing can fully prepare you for having to go back to work. While it might be exciting on the one hand, it’s very bittersweet as leaving your baby is never easy. Not only does it require a lot of logistical planning with babysitters, but it also brings a level of stress and guilt to you as it is likely the first time you’ll be away from your baby for an extended period of time. Heading back to the office with a plan to cope can definitely make things a little easier. Here are some tips to help make the transition back to work a little easier.

  • Ask for Part-Time Remote Work

Remote work is really popular in today’s workforce, so it’s worth asking if you might be able to do some work remotely while your baby is young. Many companies will allow you to work a few days from home as you transition back into full-time, which would mean you could spend more time with your little one. At home, you can put your baby in a baby bassinet next to your desk and be present for their feedings.

  • Get Into a Pumping Routine

About a month before you return to work, it’s a good idea to get yourself into the routine of pumping and freezing your milk. This way, you will be better prepared when you actually need to leave your baby during the day and miss a feed.

  • Set Up a Family Calendar

Staying organized with your baby’s checkups, visits from family, work, and other events is not easy. Take some time every Saturday or Sunday afternoon to schedule out the week’s events on a shared family calendar and have any other family members involved in the baby’s life do the same. This way, you’ll always know who is going to be taking care of your baby, which will give you peace of mind and less stress when you head off for work in the morning.

  • Always Have a Back Up Babysitter

There’s nothing worse than having a babysitter lined up and then having them cancel at the last minute. While they might have a good excuse, it doesn’t help you if you are required to be at work. To keep this situation from ruining your day, ask someone reliable if they will be your backup babysitter. Usually this will be your parents or an older neighbor who doesn’t have to go to work.

  • Schedule Your Baby’s Bedtime

If your baby isn’t already on a strict sleep schedule, now is the time to get them on one. Getting your baby to bed at the same time will make your life a lot easier so that everyone can get the right amount of sleep each night. 

  • Say ‘No’

When you have a baby, life completely changes. While life gets a lot better in many ways, you won’t be able to go to all the social events and activities you used to. Let go of the guilt around saying ‘no’ to friends. This is a very special time for your family, so spend as much time with them as you can while your baby is young. If you start to feel overstretched with work, home time, and activities, then you should take a step back and evaluate what might be possible to cut. 

While going back to work is exciting for some and dreaded by many, it’s a necessary step that you are fully equipped to conquer. No matter what you do, it’s necessary to stay flexible and give yourself some grace. You’re a superhero doing a great job so don’t stress the small stuff! 


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